In Montevideo Public Schools, the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework is a vital part of ensuring all students thrive. A key pillar of our model is obviously Academics, which impacts each of us and, most importantly, our students.
Our District Academic MTSS Team has embraced the following mission:
To ensure our Montevideo system is providing the (academic) structure where all students can be academically successful.
This mission has sparked meaningful questions:
What does it mean to be "academically successful"?
Is success defined differently at each learning level?
How can we accurately measure "success"?
These are not just theoretical questions; they are the foundation for meaningful action. The Academic Team has begun exploring these "wonders" and is taking steps to define academic success at every learning level in our district.
Action Steps Moving Forward
Part of creating a functional and effective system is achieving clarity. This clarity starts with a shared understanding of the words and concepts we use. To build this shared vocabulary and ensure alignment, the Academic Team will work collaboratively to form clear, consistent definitions of academic success.
As these structures take shape, the goal is to create a district-wide system where every educator, student, and family understands what success looks like and how we can support each student in reaching it. Together, we are moving forward toward exceptional academic outcomes for all.