e-Learning Days

When our district has weather-related school cancellations, instructional time is lost and the momentum in classrooms is slowed. State testing dates are set prior to the start of the school year, and make-up days in June after the completion of these tests can be out of sync with the instructional process. Our district also partners with post secondary institutions making “tack on days” less effective than what is desired. While e-Learning days cannot replace the face-to-face time students have with their teachers, they can provide better continuity when school is interrupted.

Annually up to (5) five school days missed due to inclement weather may be made up as e-Learning days. The postponement will be determined 2 hours prior to the normal school start time of the proposed e-Learning day. In the event that five (5) e-Learning days are scheduled, additional school days missed due to inclement weather will be discussed administratively and communicated to all stakeholders.

In the event of a school cancellation due to inclement weather, families will receive an automated phone call, text message, and/or email from Montevideo Public Schools via JMC Messenger. Messages will also be posted on the district website and social media. E-Learning days will be announced in the same fashion as the school cancellation announcements in order to avoid confusion.

Attendance must be taken by the teacher and records of attendance must be kept for each class/class period. If a student does not complete the e-Learning task(s) before the class period the next day, that student will be counted absent. “Students who do not participate in planned activities are considered absent for those class(es) and will be reported as absent as if they were not present for an on-campus class.” (Plaman, Minnesota Department of Education 20 July 2017)

In accordance to the Minnesota Department of Education, attendance may be veried by:
a. Logging in to class page(s) on the district’s/school’s learning management system (LMS).
b. Email exchange/ text exchange /phone call with teacher.
c. Parent veries attendance; a documentation process is developed and retained by the school as part of the student’s attendance record.
d. Activity in classes (pages accessed, discussion participation, formative assessments completed).
e. Work submitted during the e-Learning day (evidence of learning or preparation for learning—reading or video with notes).” (Plaman, Minnesota Department of Education 20 July 2017)

Montevideo Public Schools has elected to take attendance for the day based upon students submitting their completed assignments on the next regular day of school and completing any interactive activities required by their teacher. Teachers will log absences for an e-Learning day into JMC, student management system, by 3:45 p.m. of the school day following the e-Learning day.

E-learning days will be reported as regular instructional days. Students enrolled on an e-learning day will generate one day of membership. The length of the school day will be reported as the same length that was originally scheduled had the students attended at the school site.

e-LEARNING TASKS: Our district wants to ensure our students have high-quality e-learning opportunities.

“High quality e-Learning experiences:
a. Integrate as seamlessly as possible into the regular instructional plan that has been occurring. Avoid generic, out-of-context tasks, rather, tasks should be meaningful and important to student learning.
b. Leverage digital tools students are using as part of their regular instruction (i.e. Schoology, Google Docs, apps).
c. Include formative assessment and feedback.
d. Provide opportunities for peer interaction.
e. Include active instruction by teachers, monitoring progress and providing feedback, facilitating, coaching, clarifying and adjusting the task, and suggesting next steps.
f. Include the option for the class to meet synchronously via Google Meet or Go Guardian.

ACCESS TO TEACHERS VIA TELEPHONE AND ONLINE DURING NORMAL SCHOOL HOURS: Teachers will have instruction and assignments posted and available by 10:00 a.m. and will be available via telephone and online during normal school hours (8:00 am-12:00 p.m and 12:30 p.m.-3:15 p.m.). Students needing to contact their teacher are to call the teacher’s direct telephone line, if the teacher is not immediately available students shall leave a return phone number. Direct phone lines access to the schools voicemail to email systems will immediately notify teachers of the message. Teachers will promptly return the telephone call to assist the student.

Teacher’s direct telephone numbers can be found on the district web page under staff directory so that they may be contacted on an e-learning day.

Licensed Staff K-2 (including specialists): Students will receive an e-Learning day packet that outlines the activities to be completed for the day. Students will also have access to a live or recorded activity with their teacher. Teachers will communicate the day's learning expectations to parents through email by 10:00a.m. on the day of an e-Learning day. Teachers may utilize online platforms such as SeeSaw, Google Classroom, etc. This information will be communicated by each teacher to parents.

Licensed Staff Grades 3-8 (including specialists): Students will utilize Google Classroom to complete e-Learning activities that will be posted no later than 10:00 a.m. on the e-Learning day. Learning experiences for each class are intended to take approximately 30-50 minutes. Some students may need more time, some less, for each activity. The goal is to provide meaningful instruction/activities that help reduce the impact of lost face-to-face instructional time and allow for acceleration of the curriculum when students return to school. Activities may include flipped classrooms or virtual class sessions. During the school day, teachers will provide 60 minutes of live “resource room” time during which time students will have the opportunity to get clarifications, questions answered, and interact with their teachers. The time of the “resource room” will be provided to students by their teacher. Students will submit the e-Learning tasks based on the teacher’s instruction. Directions and tasks will also be given for students who do not have internet access at home, these students must call their teachers to inform them they do not have internet access.

Licensed Staff Grades 9-12 (including specialists): Students will utilize Google Classroom to complete e-Learning activities that will be posted no later than 10:00 a.m. on the e-Learning day. Learning experiences for each class are intended to take approximately 30-50 minutes. Some students may need more time, some less, for each activity. The goal is to provide meaningful instruction/activities that help reduce the impact of lost face-to-face instructional time and allow for acceleration of the curriculum when students return to school. Learning experiences may include flipped classrooms or virtual class sessions. During the school day, teachers will provide 60 minutes of live “resource room” time during which time students will have the opportunity to get clarications, questions answered, and interact with their teachers. The time of the “resource room” will be provided to students by their teacher. Students will submit the e-Learning tasks based on the teacher’s instruction. Directions and tasks will also be given for students who do not have internet access at home, these students must call their teachers to inform them they do not have internet access.

Special Education: Students in pull-out classes will complete e-Learning tasks specific to their IEP. During the school day, teachers will provide 60 minutes of live “resource room” time during which time students will have the opportunity to get clarications, questions answered, and interact with their teachers. The time of the “resource room” will be provided to students by their teacher.

All non-teaching staff will be expected to work on e-Learning days. Work assignments for e-Learning days will be communicated no later than 8:00 a.m. on any e-Learning day. Leave may be taken according to specfic work agreements.

Accommodations for students without sufficient access to the Internet, hardware, or software in their homes. Students who do not have sufficient access to the internet will have an alternative method to use to complete the e-Learning task (i.e., physical textbook at home). Teachers will work towards accommodations in unforeseen circumstances with students such as timing of closure of school in conjunction to a holiday in order to submit tasks. Families who do not have internet service must notify the school prior to winter weather events taking place in order for alternative methods to be accessed.

Accessible digital instruction for students with disabilities under chapter 125A and meet the needs of each student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP)/504 plans. Students will complete e-Learning tasks specific to their IEP/504.