Back-to-School Open House

Please join us on Tuesday, August 22nd for Back-to-School Open House!

ELEMENTARY - All students K-4
Elementary Open House will be at the elementary school your student attends.  Check your email for your students scheduled time.  Come and see your classroom, meet your teacher, get your picture taken and feel comfortable and prepared for the first day of school.  Contact your school for more information.
Ramsey 320-269-6584
Sanford 320-269-6538

MIDDLE SCHOOL - Students 5-8
MMS Jamboree  5:00-7:00 p.m.
Come check out MMS, get your schedule, see your classrooms, meet your advisor & try out your locker!  If all registration is complete & your Chromebook insurance is paid, you will be able to pick up your Chromebook in your Advisor's classroom.

HIGH SCHOOL - Students 9-12
9th grade & new student orientation
12:00 Noon - 1:00 p.m. in the MHS Gym
Take a tour of the school, get locker assignment, register and pay Chromebook insurance. if not completed.

10th - 12th grade returning students
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.  Meet your advisor, get locker assignment, meet new teachers, register and pay Chromebook insurance if not completed.

Log in to the JMC portal on the school website to register your child.  Be sure to fill out the Health, Custom Fields, and Digital Equity tabs.  NEW THIS YEAR - Pay Chromebook insurance on the JMC Portal under "TUITION & FEES".