Welcome to a new year of Thunder Hawk Athletics. I look forward to working with all of our coaches, staff, students and parents as we continue together building on the tradition and pride of Thunder Hawk athletics/activities. Below you will find information regarding the start of the fall sports seasons and the requirements that need to be taken care of prior to being able to practice.
Girls Tennis parent meeting gr 9-12: Sunday, August 14 - 6 pm @ High School Cafeteria
Football parent meeting gr 9-12: Monday, August 14 - 6 pm @ High School Cafeteria
Volleyball parent meeting gr 9-12: Tuesday, August 15 - 6 pm @ TACC RM 132
Girls Swimming & Diving parent meeting gr 7-12: TBA
Boys & Girls Cross Country gr 7-12: TBA
All fall sports start Monday, August 14th, with the exception of JH football. JH football starts Monday, August 21st.
In order for you to begin practicing there are three things you will need to take care of: athletic physical, registration forms, participation fee.
You will need a current athletic physical. These can be done at the CCM Health Clinic at the Montevideo High School on Wednesday, August 9 or Thursday, August 10th, 7 a.m. -6 p.m. (Call 320-269-8877 to schedule your student's appointment), your health clinic or at any of the chiropractic offices in town. Physicals are good for three years. If you had a physical in the last three years you may not need another one at this time.
You will need to sign the Minnesota State High School League and Montevideo Public School eligibility forms. All forms can be filled out online on the athletic page of the school website – choose “Register for an Activity” under the Activities drop down menu or click here
Athletic Participation Fee: $70 for grades 7-8 and $105 for grades 9-12. The Activity Fee can be paid at the time you complete your on-line registration, the High School or Middle School Office or in the School Store online. The school website is www.montevideoschools.org
Practice and event schedules can be found using the School website under Activities drop down menu. or click here
If you have any questions, please contact the Activities Director Jesse Nelson (269-6446 x 1150) or the Activities Secretary Deb Hinde (269-6446 x1171).