Junior Thunder Hawk Care
School year care located at the new HAWKS NEST
2000 Black Oak Ave
320-269-5026, ext 5104

JTH is located at the Hawks Nest

JTH utilizes the gym space in the Hawks Nest
School year care located at the new HAWKS NEST
2000 Black Oak Ave
320-269-5026, ext 5104
Program Information and Links
Junior Thunder Hawk Care is our School Age Program that offers before and after school care. JTH is operated out of the Hawks Nest Early Childhood Center during the school year and out of Sanford Elementary School during the summer. JTH offers contracted services. Drop in care is available upon request 24 hours in advance of care, although not guaranteed. Decision to accept drop ins is based on staffing for the day.
Our staff are committed to provide a safe environment for students that focuses on social peer skills and positive connections with staff. A weekly lesson plan outlines planned activities such as art and crafts, social/emotional based learning, reading and language, health and safety, science-based activities, service learning, life skills and cooking, 30-60 minutes of movement daily, dramatic play, quiet time, free play, board games, manipulatives.
Classroom lead:
Session Times:
AM Session - 5:45 AM until school starts
PM Session - end of the school day until 5:45 PM
NSD: 5:45-5:45
JTH is located at the Hawks Nest
JTH utilizes the gym space in the Hawks Nest