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Hawks Nest Early Childhood Center & Community Education Offices
2000 Black Oak Ave, Montevideo, MN 56265 Phone: 320-269-5026 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Community Education & Recreation
Community Education-Recreation provides community residents of all ages a variety of educational, recreational, enrichment, and social programs throughout the year. Brochures are distributed to all school district residents four times per year with information about all of the programs and services. Suggestions for programs and classes are welcome and new instructors are needed.
Community Education-Recreation promotes an educational, recreational and safe environment in which citizen involvement and life-long learning are essential for residents of all ages to grow personally and collectively.

Stay Connected
Are you connected to the Montevideo Public Schools? Please call the Community Education Office at 320-269-5026 or e-mail Kristin Johnson at if...
You are a new resident of Montevideo and have young children
Your family status has increased
Your address or phone number has changed with the Montevideo area
Montevideo census numbers help determine the amount of levy funding that our school district receives from the state of Minnesota. These funds determine the amount of services that Early Childhood Family Programs can offer in our community.
Community Education Policy Statement
Community Education Policy Statement-The Montevideo Community Education-Recreation Department does not provide accident insurance for participants in any of its programs/activities. Participants assume all inherent risk of injury resulting from their involvement in programs or activities. Participants, upon payment of activity/program fee, give consent to the use of any photographs taken by the Community Ed-Rec Department, its employees, agents and elected officials and such photographs shall become property of the Community Ed-Rec Department. Participants are not entitled to compensation of any kind for the use of such photographs.